My Review of the TWA Hotel at JFK Airport – Howard Hughes Suite

TWA Hotel at JFK - YouTube Cover

April fools? IDK what I was doing with this video. If you like it, you like it. If you don’t like it… Vidal Sassoon. Anyhow, we went to the TWA hotel at JFK in New York before the “events of 2020” and stayed in the Howard Hughes “suite”. I put suite in quotes there because it’s a large room for sure, and kinda-sorta has a separate bar area (really just the foyer), but really I wouldn’t classify it as a full suite. Despite the sarcastic tone of the video, I really like this hotel. We’re sorta avgeeks, so it’s great from both an historical standpoint and for actual plane spotting. You’ll spot an old scanner radio briefly in the video, and it’s great sitting in the room with the floor-to-ceiling windows while listening to the ground control chatter. We didn’t go in the rooftop pool on this visit, but we… Continue reading